Public Contact Management


This section will help you to Add, Import, Group, Manage, Search Public Contacts

What is a Public Contact ?
A Public Contact is a Contact that All Users can access and use for their messaging purpose. Public Contacts can only be added & deleted by the Administrators. General Users can only add & remove Public contacts from their Personal Groups. However, they cannot delete these Public Contacts from the Public Group.


Add Contacts Individually

1. Go to Public Contacts.
2. Click on the New Contact button.
3. Type in the necessary information.
  Note: Contact Name and Primary Contact No. are mandatory fields.
4. Click on Submit button.
  Note: To continue adding another contact, click on Add Another button.
5 Go back to the Manage Public Contacts view to check the newly added contact.

Import Contacts

1. Go to Public Contacts > Import Contacts button.
2. Browse for the Microsoft Excel file and indicate the worksheet.
  Note: You can change the worksheet name from Sheet1 to other names you have specified in your Excel file. Only Microsoft Excel file format is acceptable for the import function.
3. Click on Upload button.
4 Select the fields you want to import.
  Note: The order of the fields you will specify should relate to the order of the columns in your Excel file. If you have 5 columns in your Excel file, you need to specify 5 fields to be used. ContactName & PrimaryMobile are mandatory fields.
5. Select the group type to be imported.
  If you don't wish to import the numbers into any groups, leave it as Don't Create group. You can also import the contacts into an existing group by selecting the groupname or import to a new group and specify a name.
6. Then, click on Import button.

When you check the Manage Public Contacts page, you should see the contacts. Similarly, if you have specified a group for this import, you can find the group with these contacts.


You can edit, delete, search and group the contacts. This section will cover the Edit, Delete & Search functions.
Editing Contacts

1. Go to Public Contacts.
2. Go to the name you wish to edit & click on the Edit icon .
  If the contact list is too long, you can use filter or sort the contacts to find it.
3. The procedure is similar to adding a new contact. Make the necessary changes and click on Update contact button.

Deleting Contacts
1. Go to Public Contacts.
2. Go to the name you wish to edit & click on the Delete icon . The system will prompt you before it confirms to delete.
  Note: Once the contact has been deleted, the name will be removed from all the groups it has earlier been associated with.
Multiple Deletion
1. To delete multiple contacts, use the checkboxes corresponding to the Contact Name.
2. Click on Delete Selected button. The system will prompt you before it confirms to delete.
  Note: Once the contacts have been deleted, the names will be removed from all the groups it has earlier been associated with.
Searching Contacts
1. Select one of the parameter you wish to filter. e.g. Contact Name Contains
2. Input the value in the text box & click the Filter button.

Another way to search is to Sort the header name by ascending or descending order. This is done by clicking on the header (Once for Ascending) & (Twice for Descending).
4. To remove the Sort function, select the Public Contacts from the navigation menu.


This section illustrates how you can create, edit and delete groups.
Create Groups
Groups can be created during an import contacts process or by selecting contacts to create a new group. This section illustrates the latter.

1. Go to Public Contacts.
2. Select the Contacts by checking the boxes.
3. Click on Add to Group button.
4 Choose New Group Name and type in your desired group name.
5. Click on Submit button.
  Note: If you are adding contacts to an existing group, at Step 4, select Existing Group and select a name from the list.
Removing contacts from the Group
1. Select & expand Public Contacts.
2. Go to the Groupname.
3. Click on the Remove from group icon on the name you wish to remove.
4. For multiple names removal, check the names and click on the Remove from Group button.
Rename Group
1. Select & expand Public Contacts.
2. Go to the Groupname.
3. Click on Rename Group button.
4. Type in the new group name and click on Rename button.
  Note: To exit without renaming, click on Cancel button
Delete the Entire Group
1. Select & expand Public Contacts.
2. Go to the Groupname.
3. Click on Delete Group button. You will be prompted to confirm your action before the group is deleted.
  Note: Contacts still remain in My Contacts except that the group has been removed.